I LOVE finding creative ways to save money in our home. Here are 11 no-brainer ways to save money at home!
Learn how to make good coffee that you actually enjoy
You’d be surprised how much this can cut down your “need” for the Starbucks drive-thru. Take the time to experiment with different creamers, grounds, and brewing methods until you find a combination that you actually look forward to making in the morning. Your wallet will thank you!
Plan meals ahead of time
Again, meals that you actually enjoy. By planning to cook meals that you love at home, you can drastically decrease the likelihood that you’ll spring for a fast food dinner that night. It’s healthier AND you’ll save your hard-earned cash.
Find a date-like activity that you and your partner can do at home
Many people feel like they need to go out and spend money for a date night, because that’s what society has told us to do for so long! But by finding date-night activities that you can do at home, you can easily save that $100+ and your relationship won’t suffer. Here are some ideas:
- Make a new recipe together
- Have a board game night
- Grill some burgers or steaks and enjoy conversation outdoors
- Make your own beer tasting with the “build your own 6-pack” option at your liquor/grocery store
- Experiment with cocktail making
- Rent a movie neither of you have seen, & don’t forget the popcorn!
See if your energy company offers different rates for off-peak hours
I think this is only common in certain parts of the United States. Here in Texas, it’s fairly common for energy companies to have plans with lower night-time rates. See if your energy company offers this & take advantage! You could save money on your energy bill just by doing laundry, running the dishwasher, charging electronics, etc. at night while your energy rate is lower.
Unplug your darn phone chargers!!!
And any electronic that you’re not using, for that matter. Even when turned off, electronics and appliances can continue to draw power. This is often referred to as “vampire energy” and it can amount to hundreds of dollars per year for some households.
For more information, check out this New York Times piece: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/30/climate/nyt-climate-newsletter-energy-vampires.html
Cut the cord
You don’t need to pay for cable. It’s 2020 and there are so many better (cheaper) options to fit your needs. Even for sports, YouTube TV is a great option to have when you need it, and cancel it when you don’t.
Adjust your thermostat before you leave the house
This could save you hundreds on your energy bill over time. Especially during the summer, there’s no need to keep your house at 70 degrees while you’re not home. While you shouldn’t turn your A/C or heat off completely during summer/winter months, you can adjust up or down before leaving the house so that it’s not running as frequently while you are out.
If you want to take this to the next level, consider investing in a smart thermostat so that you can easily adjust the temperature of your home from your phone. Some can also learn your habits, so they will automatically adjust your temperature while you are at work or at night before you go to sleep. Theoretically, these will pay for themselves in saved energy costs.
Save your plastic containers for seed starting
Save plastic fruit containers or yogurt cups for seed starting if you keep a garden at home. They’re the perfect size for planting seeds! Bonus if it has a plastic lid that you can cut holes in to create a greenhouse effect. Just make sure you poke a few holes in the bottom so water can drain properly.
Don’t leave the shower water running while you shave your legs
There’s no need to waste all that water while you are shaving! Personally, I started shaving in the tub before I shower. That way, I can turn the water on if I need to rinse my razor, and immediately turn it off when I’m not using it. Saves water and honestly, I find it much easier than trying to shave in the shower!
Buy non-perishables or freezer-safe foods in bulk
Our Sam’s Club membership has paid for itself tenfold. You just have to make sure that you’re not buying items that will go bad if you’re unable to eat/use them right away. They also have the BEST gas prices around, so that’s an added $$$ saving bonus.
Check out what your local library has to offer!
I RARELY purchase books anymore because our local library has such a great selection. I can check a book out, read it, & return it at no cost; plus it keeps the clutter down in my house as I’m not having to store books that I’ve already read. Our library also offers Kindle book loans, so I’m able to check out a book digitally without leaving my couch.
Those are my 11 no-brainer ways to save money at home! Let me know what your favorite money-saving tips are!! If you liked this post, check out Smart Investing Decisions to Make in Your 20’s!